Ongoing studies
Title of the Study
Principal Investigator(s)
Short Description
Concerned registries
Birth years covered
Neural tube defects and sex ratio distortion: factors associated with the sex of children with NTDs in data from the European network of population-based registries of congenital anomalies (EUROCAT)
Rima Obeid, Anke Rissmann
The main objective of the study is to investigate sex ratio distortion and factors associated with the sex of the children among pregnancies affected with NTDs (terminations, stillbirths, and live births) in all available EUROCAT data collected from the year 2000 upward in all member registers with less than 20% missing data on sex of the child.
Full members
Choanal atresia and stenosis in Europe 1980-2020.
Jorieke Bergmann
The study aims to determine the prevalence of choanal atresia / stenosis in EUROCAT data over 1980-2020 and to study trends over time. The characteristics of choanal atresia / stenosis cases will also be described (including type of birth, gender, gestational length, birth weight, one-week survival, prenatal diagnosis, others). Finally, potential risk factors will be studied.
Full members
COVICAT: Covid19 infection and vaccination in pregnancy: An Irish cohort study and European ecological study to assess risks of congenital anomalies
Maria Loane
The study will investigate whether there is any temporal relationship between the prevalence of congenital anomalies, and the rate of infection or vaccination during the first trimester of pregnancy, in an ecological study design.
Full members
Improved Understanding of the Etiopathogenesis of Selected Congenital Anomalies: Prevalence Project – European Estimates, 1997-2021 (Group I Congenital Anomalies)
Paul Romitti
The study will estimate European prevalence of selected anomalies (omphalocele, hydrocephaly, oesophagial atresia with or without tracheoesophageal fistula, diaphragmatic hernia) from 1997 to 2021 and describe the epidemiology of each anomaly.
Full members
Global estimates of congenital disorders (birth defects)
Kate Strong
The study will produce new estimates of the burden of structural anomalies (including NTD, orofacial clefts, abdominal wall and urogenital anomalies), trisomies 13, 18 and 21 as well as congenital heart defects. These estimates will be produces by the World Health Organisation (WHO) in conjunction with partners around the world.
Full members - pooled together to provide EUROCAT prevalence estimates
Epidemiology of Noonan’s Syndrome in Europe
Michele Santoro, Maria Valentina Abate
This study aims to provide updated prevalence rates and comprehensive epidemiological insights into Noonan Syndrome, examining aspects such as, time of diagnosis, impact of genetic testing, sex ratio, type of birth, family history, regional and temporal variations, and associated malformations.
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