JRC-EUROCAT Central Registry
The JRC-EUROCAT Central Registry is located in the Disease Prevention Unit (F.1), Directorate F – Health and Food, European Commission Joint Research Centre (Ispra, Italy).
The role of the Central Registry
- Maintain and further develop the EUROCAT Central Database.
- Securely manage the data from all registries.
- Analyse data with respect to data quality and routine statistical monitoring.
- Release data from the EUROCAT Central Database for research studies.
- Maintain relationship with single registries.
- Support and participate in the coordinating activities.
- Organise meetings (annual network meetings, Management Committee, Coding and Classification Committee and various Working Groups) and training.
- Disseminate network's results (website, reports, JRC-EUROCAT communication, leaflets).
Contact us at: JRC-EUROCAT@ec.europa.eu