History and Funding

A registry was originally started by the Danish National Board of Health in 1979 and a general surveillance of anomalies including Greenland was established in 1983. In 1992 Greenland had Home Rule Government, and a basic paper report system was continued in Greenland up to this date. Greenland is in the process of joining the EUROCAT network as an affiliate member. There is no specific funding.

Population Coverage

The registry covers all of Greenland (Population‐based I = All mothers resident in defined geographic area). The total number of births per year in Greenland is around 800. Births take place in the national hospital, 4 regional hospitals and 5 of 12 health care centers.

Sources of Ascertainment

The registry will be based on compulsory notification of cases by hospitals and active case finding. Data for the registry will include discharge diagnosis and hospital records from obstetric and pediatric departments, birth notifications, death certificates and laboratory data. For livebirths, late diagnosed cases are included up to the age of five years.

Termination of Pregnancy

Termination of pregnancy is legal, and the upper gestational age limit is 12 weeks without special permission. After 12 weeks of gestation termination of pregnancy may be performed after permission from a local committee. If a congenital anomaly is diagnosed, the upper gestational age for termination is usually 20 weeks. Terminations of pregnancy for fetal malformations will be registered.

Stillbirth Definition and Early Fetal Deaths

The stillbirth definition is gestational age > 28 weeks. Stillbirths and fetal deaths from 28 weeks are registered. No medical autopsies in stillbirths or fetal deaths are performed routinely in Greenland.

Exposure Data Availability

At the time being there is no registration on exposure information. Exposure information will be established concerning: parental occupation, maternal smoking and medication during first trimester, maternal illness before and during pregnancy.

Denominators and Controls Information

Data on births per year and maternal age distribution covering Greenland is available from The National Board of Health (www.nanoq.gl/nun) or Statistics Greenland (www.stat.gl).

Address for Further Information

Chief Medical Officer Flemming Kleist Stenz
or Nursing Consultant Turid B. Skifte

The National Board of Health
Intaleeqqap Aqq. 2
P.O. Box 120
3900 Nuuk,
Tel: +299 345192
Fax: +299 325130
Email: nun@nanoq.gl