History and Funding
The registry was created in 2009 and the first year of data to be transmitted to EUROCAT is for births in 2009. The registry is funded under the CHLORDECONE Government Action Plan 2008-2010, to establish a register covering the French West Indies (Guadeloupe and Martinique). It was set up initially to assess the impact of Chlordecone on the population of the French West Indies. It is supported by an annual grant from Institut National de Veille Sanitaire (INVS).
Population Coverage
The registry population includes all mothers delivering in Isle of Martinique and Guadeloupe excluding non‐residents. Based on figures from 2007, the number of births per year is estimated to be approx 12,500. 100% of births are covered by the registry.
Sources of Ascertainment
Notification to the registry is voluntary. Source of information are multiple. Source include maternity units, paediatric departement, prenatal screnning, cytogenetic labs, medical genetics, paediatric surgery, paediatric cardiology an neurology. There is also active searching of patient notes and hospital discharge registers by Registry staff. Every maternity unit has a computerized system which records all births from 20 weeks gestation. Any abnormality is noted by the pediatrician post partum. Cases postnatally diagnosed can be registered up to 1 year of life.
Maximum Age at Diagnosis
Maximum Age at Diagnosis Usually up to 1 year of age.
Terminations of Pregnancy for Fetal Anomaly (TOPFA)
Termination of pregnancy has been legal since 1974 and there is no upper gestational age limit for terminations of cases with fetal malformation. All terminations of pregnancy for fetal malformation was include in the Registry.
Stillbirth and Early Fetal Deaths
The official definition of a stillbirth in the region is greater than 22 weeks gestation and/or greater than 500 g birth weight. Specialist fetopathologists perform autopsies on stillbirths and terminations of pregnancy.
Exposure Data Availability
Exposure data (occupation of mother and father, assisted conception, illness before and during pregnancy, illness before and during pregnancy, drug use, toxics exposition) are routinely recorded.
Denominators and Controls Information
Background data on national birth statistics are available from INSEE and Reseau Perinatal Martinique (RIN). Denominators by maternal age are available, as are monthly denominator figures.
Address for Further Information
Coordonnateur du Centre Pluridisciplinaire de Diagnostic Prénatale
MFME - CHU – BP 632
97261 - Fort de France,
Tel: 05 96 55 93 30
Secrétariat: 05 96 70 93 88
Email: Leila.FRIGERE@chu-martinique.fr
Last updated 03.05.2023